Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I have been in a mood for a long time now.  Not a good mood one either.  I find myself crying.  A lot.  I try to embrace change but I'll be the first to admit that I am horrible at accepting it.  If you have read past post then you would know that I recently moved to Edmond from Moore.  I was excited but now it has turned more sad.  I miss my family, I feel alone and my cat hates me.  I have an amazing roommate but that doesn't fill the void when it comes to missing someone.  I know it will get better but I can only wish that that time comes quicker.

In the past week I became single, found out scary medical news about my 8 year old cousin and learned more about my moms current medical conditions (she has 3 issues going on now).

It's tough to be optimistic sometimes but at least I have cable and internet now.

After getting that out I feel much better, Pinterest helped too.

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